Helping young autistic adults grow their independence

All too often we hear that young autistic adults/their carers are struggling to find quality services to spend their NDIS funds, particularly those in rural and regional areas.
One of the few good things to come out of the pandemic was the way we all pivoted to connecting and learning online. It helped make programs accessible to everyone, especially at a time when we all felt a little disconnected.
Whilst some programs have returned to face-to-face delivery, many young autistic adults either prefer online learning or live in parts of Australia where there are simply not enough services.
That's where Chill Online comes in!
Chill Online is the ideal program to help young autistic adults build relationships, learn new skills and grow their independence. Interactive, online, strengths based and peer led. Using popular mediums of drama, music, film and social media, Chill Online engages participants in a fun and creative experience. And, because it’s delivered online, it means anyone, anywhere can take part.
Boudiccea joined Chill to “meet people who would understand and accept me for who I am.” While Hamish joined the program because he wanted to make friends and feel less ‘alone’. Since he became a Chillie (participant) he says he has "learnt so much about how to connect with others and my confidence has grown from leaving my comfort zone”.
Why join Chill Online?
Because simply put, there is no other program like it.
Young autistic adults are supported by peer mentors, many of whom are on the spectrum and have been in the program themselves. They understand the unique challenges and strengths of participants and provide tailored support to suit their individual needs.
It's so much more than a social skills coaching program. It's all about helping young autistic adults grow their independence and find their tribe.
Patrick’s mum Mary believes the program is a must for all young autistic adults. “Do not hesitate. Get your young person enrolled. It is the most wonderful programme and the best opportunity for your young person to find their tribe.”
Sandy’s mum, Jane tells us “Chill is the best thing that has happened to/for us in many years. Sandy has, indeed, found his tribe and I no longer have to take charge of most aspects of Sandy's life. Chill has given him and me more independence.”
Enrolments for Term 3 are closing soon! ENROL TODAY!
Term 3 commences on the 18th of April 2022 and runs for 10 weeks with the following programs available.
This is the last term of our pilot program. Chill Online is subsidised through an NDIS ILC grant and the reduced fee is also NDIS claimable for registered participants of the scheme. Places are limited, apply now!