Support us
Whether you are an individual or an organisation, there are many ways that you can help support Australians on the autism spectrum, and the families who love them.

Supporting us supports families
Your generous support will help us continue to ensure autistic individuals and their families have access to the best possible free information, resources and tools to empower them to support themselves or their loved ones on the spectrum. It’s something we’re very proud of here at Autism Awareness Australia, and with your help we can continue the good work we do.
It’s only through your generous support that we are able to continue the good work we do. Your donation will go a long way in helping us support autism families across the country.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please click here. You can choose to make a one off donation or select the regular giving option.
Other ways to donate
You can make a donation via direct deposit to our account at NAB:
Autism Association of Australia Ltd
BSB: 083 004 Account number: 8090 91437
Please make all cheques payable to Autism Association of Australia Ltd.
Our postal address is:
PO Box 61 Rozelle NSW 2039
*Autism Association of Australia has DGR status (Deductible Gift Recipient status). Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. A donation receipt will be issued for all donations over this amount.
Fundraising is a great and fun way you can help support us! Not only are you helping raise funds, you’re also helping to raise awareness and understanding of autism in the community, and to us that’s even more important!
Whether you’re participating in a community event, hosting a breakfast, organising a trivia night or anything in between, we want to keep fundraising as simple and stress-free as possible.
We use GoFundraise, Grassrootz and JustGiving to help our supporters create their own personalised fundraising pages.
You can either sign up to one of the existing fundraising events or you can create your own customised campaign, such as a schools trivia night, birthday event or wedding registry.
You can create your own personal fundraising page, share via social media, add photos and messages to make it more interesting and keep track of all your donors.
Check out our charity page on the platforms below to find out more and to sign up!
We believe in building partnerships, not just sponsorships.
We work with our sponsors and their staff to create meaningful engagement and a mutually beneficial relationship.
What most people don’t know is that we aren’t government funded nor do we currently receive recurrent funding. All our work is funded through sponsorships and generous donations from our supporters.
Our campaigns and events have reached millions of Australians and we are proud to have delivered all of our projects free for families.
Whether it’s empowering parents/carers with quality information and resources, delivering targeted educational programs to families and professionals or creating genuinely inclusive opportunities for people on the autism spectrum within our community, we firmly believe in providing everything we do at no cost to families.
We host a range of events and campaigns nationwide, offering organisation the opportunity to enhance their brand while showing their support for an important community cause.
We appreciate that every company is unique, with different objectives, different budgets and different goals. With this in mind, we are always happy to work with you to try and create a tailored sponsorship package that best fits your brand and culture.
To discuss sponsoring one of our upcoming projects please contact us.
A great way to show your support is by helping us increase awareness and education in the community through social media.
If you haven’t already, please follow us on your favourite social media site and help us spread the word!
Share our posts with your personal and business networks and contribute to educating your community.
With your help we know we can create a more supportive, better educated and genuinely inclusive community for all individuals on the autism spectrum and the families who love them.
“Connections create understanding. Understanding creates inclusion”
Click here to read our social media policy.