Mother's Day Panel 2023

Happy Mother's Day!
On behalf of everyone at Autism Awareness Australia, we hope all mothers, grandmothers and maternal figures have a safe and relaxing day spent with those they love most.
When you're a mother of an autistic child, or an autistic parent yourself, occasions like Mother's Day and the overall parenting experience can be a little more complicated. Many Mother's Day events aren't accessible or enjoyable for autistic people and their families, and being an autism mum in general can get quite lonely, particularly when other people and families aren't supportive or accommodating.
That's why we hosted a Mother's Day Panel, bringing together four mums with first hand experience of raising autistic children to share their stories and advice. Make sure to watch and share it amongst those you think will benefit from feeling a little less alone this Mother's Day, and a little more understood.
Make sure to like the video and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more exciting content, and let us know in the comments what your favourite part of the discussion was.
Learn more about the four fantastic mums who participated in our panel and make sure to send them some love by heading to the description box on our YouTube channel.