Sponsor highlight - Pallas Capital

Our sponsor highlight this month is with our friends at Pallas Capital, our gold event partner for ride2raise.
They have generously sponsored our first national fundraising event, ride2raise and are helping us make a difference to the both the countless lives of Aussies who are living with autism and their families.
Q&A with Pallas Capital
Who are Pallas Capital and what do they do?
Pallas Capital specialises in the origination and investment management of structured debt and equity products, providing bespoke finance solutions to borrowers seeking reliable and competitive funding for commercial and residential assets, and development projects. It then offers financial investments in these loans to its investors, providing strong returns to its investor base through a range of risk-adjusted, property-backed debt and equity investment opportunities.
From our humble beginnings in 2016, Pallas Capital has grown to become one of Australia’s leading non-bank lenders, having arranged over $2.1 billion of total investments (debt and equity) across 291 transactions with a perfect record of returning capital and interest to our investors. We are currently managing 166 investments, with a total value of $1.38bn.
What does autism and autism awareness mean to Pallas Capital?
We are fortunate to share a close relationship with Charlie Viola who sits on the Board for Autism Awareness Australia. As Charlie’s close friends and business partners, we’ve seen first-hand what it’s like to have a child living with a disability, and the challenges that this brings, and how much dedication he has put into both his work and home life. It’s impossible not to be impressed by the strength, resilience and every day courage shown by families grappling with such challenges. These are traits that everybody and every business aspires to. We love the fact that ride2raise is casting a spotlight on these families, and we hope that it will provide them with extra strength for the challenges that lay ahead. Charlie is a strong support network to both his family and friends, and we couldn’t be prouder to get behind him and this wonderful cause that he’s so passionate about.
Why are we sponsoring ride2raise?
Our motivation to be a part of this year’s ride2raise is to provide our full support to families like Charlie's. We feel that anything we can do as a team to make life that little bit easier for those living with disability is extremely rewarding and participating in this year’s ride to help raise much needed awareness and funds for Autism Awareness Australia is just one small act of kindness that we can give. Having the opportunity to positively impact lives is something that our group advocate strongly for, and we look forward to completing the ride with smiles and high-fives all round. Pallas Capital champions a range of charitable causes and we have seen time and again the galvanising effect that events such as this have on our team. There is nothing better for team spirit than throwing on some lycra, burning some calories, and raising awareness and money for a great cause.
What riders do you have entering the ride2raise event?
For this year’s ride2raise, we’re expecting to see a mix of Pallas team members and close friends putting the pedal to the metal and riding together for this great cause. We have some team members making the trip from Melbourne and Queensland and are looking forward to a great 2 days on the road.
Thanks once again Pallas Capital for your generous support. We look forward to seeing your team at the event! For more information about Pallas Capital please visit their website.