AUStism 2021

After months of waiting, we’re thrilled to announce new dates for our AUStism event series in March 2021! Join us in Brisbane on the 23rd of March and Sydney on the 25th of March, or via livestream for both events, for an evening of real stories from an incredible line up of speakers.
What is AUStism?
Stories to challenge, inform and inspire…Autism presents differently for every person diagnosed. It’s a ‘spectrum’ of experience, with many wonderful, and sometimes challenging, ‘shades’ for the people living with it and those who love them.
At Autism Awareness Australia, we are committed to raising awareness and understanding of all types of autism, and thus we are excited to announce that our AUStism speaker series is returning in 2021 with an incredible line up of national presenters! An evening of real stories from real people – funny, tough, compelling, bittersweet and guaranteed to touch and inspire.
All Our Speakers:
- Jocelyn Moorhouse: Film director, author and autism mum
- Chloe Maxwell: Media personality and autism mum
- Jodi Rodgers: Love on the Spectrum Sexologist and counsellor
- Richard and Randa Habelrih: Autism MATESCo-founders
- Karina Holden: Northern Pictures, Head of Factual (Love on the Spectrum)
- Barb Cook: Neurodivergent, author, speaker and keen motorcyclist
- Jo Abi: Journalist, TV presenter, writer and autism mum
- Tim (& Judy) Sharp: Laser Beak Man Artist with autism, script writer and author
- Mark Radburn: Love on the Spectrum Autistic self advocate
- Michael Whelan: Host academic, writer, musician and autism advocate
Proudly supported by: Mable, Nova Employment, Provider Choice, Queensland Government
More videos available in our video library